Kocktales & Konvo With Khyia

KKWK EP. 4: Heart-to-Heart with Chanice: Transition, Relationships, Family, and Self-acceptance

September 25, 2023 Khyia Ward/ Chanice Episode 4
KKWK EP. 4: Heart-to-Heart with Chanice: Transition, Relationships, Family, and Self-acceptance
Kocktales & Konvo With Khyia
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Kocktales & Konvo With Khyia
KKWK EP. 4: Heart-to-Heart with Chanice: Transition, Relationships, Family, and Self-acceptance
Sep 25, 2023 Episode 4
Khyia Ward/ Chanice

Ever wondered about the intricacies of transitioning? Ever questioned how it feels to receive attention not just for who you are, but also for the person you've become? Then, grab your margarita, sit down, and get ready for a heart-to-heart chat with my sister, Chanice. Starting her transition journey at 17 and taking it seriously at 22, Chanice's journey is not about being born in the wrong body but about gaining the attention she yearned for. As we navigate through her experiences with family, her preference in men, and her thoughts on trans women in sex work, we also shed light on the stigmas that still haunt the trans community.

As the margaritas keep flowing, so does our conversation. Chanice takes us on a fascinating exploration of her relationships, life goals, and the transformative journey of her partner. In this intimate space, we broach the question of top or bottom preference and share our experiences with individuals desiring transition. The conversation takes an introspective turn as we dissect the challenges faced by the gay community, especially in public spaces, and the importance of self-acceptance.

Finally, we venture into the realm of relationships, sex, and dating. With candid honesty, we tackle tough questions around sexual preferences and experiences, exploring the social dynamics of sex and the challenges of expressing gender identity. Chanice's story echoes the hard truth that sex doesn't always lead to a relationship - sometimes, slow and steady wins the race. So, join us for a rollercoaster conversation filled with wisdom, real-life experiences, and a healthy sprinkle of humor. Cheers!

Facebook- Khyia Ward
Instagram-Khyia Ward
YouTube- KhyiaWard
TikTok- KhyiaWard

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered about the intricacies of transitioning? Ever questioned how it feels to receive attention not just for who you are, but also for the person you've become? Then, grab your margarita, sit down, and get ready for a heart-to-heart chat with my sister, Chanice. Starting her transition journey at 17 and taking it seriously at 22, Chanice's journey is not about being born in the wrong body but about gaining the attention she yearned for. As we navigate through her experiences with family, her preference in men, and her thoughts on trans women in sex work, we also shed light on the stigmas that still haunt the trans community.

As the margaritas keep flowing, so does our conversation. Chanice takes us on a fascinating exploration of her relationships, life goals, and the transformative journey of her partner. In this intimate space, we broach the question of top or bottom preference and share our experiences with individuals desiring transition. The conversation takes an introspective turn as we dissect the challenges faced by the gay community, especially in public spaces, and the importance of self-acceptance.

Finally, we venture into the realm of relationships, sex, and dating. With candid honesty, we tackle tough questions around sexual preferences and experiences, exploring the social dynamics of sex and the challenges of expressing gender identity. Chanice's story echoes the hard truth that sex doesn't always lead to a relationship - sometimes, slow and steady wins the race. So, join us for a rollercoaster conversation filled with wisdom, real-life experiences, and a healthy sprinkle of humor. Cheers!

Facebook- Khyia Ward
Instagram-Khyia Ward
YouTube- KhyiaWard
TikTok- KhyiaWard

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Cocktails and Come Over Kaya where we sit and make cocktails and open up about our personal life. Today I have a special guest my sister Shanice.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone. How are you feeling, girl? I'm good. How are?

Speaker 1:

you, I'm good girl. How are you? You ready? Of course, y'all know we started my show off by making cocktails. Today, we're just drinking margaritas. Of course, it's a very simple drink and it's basically just your choice of tequila and your sweet and sour mix and your triple set. I have tequila, we're using Jose Cuevo, so, girl, you just grab your choice, great choice. I know right, I first love Jose Cuevo. Great choice.

Speaker 1:

So you're going to pour your Jose Cuevo in, then you'll get your triple set. And then we got our sweet and sour mix over here. Just pour how much you want up in your glass, girl, if you like it, this sweet, we got like my own sweet. There you go, and then you got to. You should have a stir over there so you can stir your drinks up A little bit of it. Guys, wait just one second. Let me get a few scrolls.

Speaker 2:

Okay, girl, you ready for your interview? I am.

Speaker 1:

Well first, we're going to pop out this interview with a game, starting off with a game, and all these games are basically finishing the scene. That's how I finish the scene. I start off with a sentence, you just finish Whatever you say, have a, you know. So, first sentence, you can all. And when I stop, you just finish Okay, you can always. Girl drink, okay, good Two.

Speaker 2:

Love is real when he pay all your bills.

Speaker 1:

How the new three life is full.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

For the way that man, the way that man make me so happy on Friday afternoon. What's Friday? Okay Okay, that's the other way. Okay Five, I always talk.

Speaker 2:

Too much shit when I get drunk.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

How can I?

Speaker 2:

How can I Stop turning up before I got to be at work on Monday? Okay, seven, just be a A real ass bitch.

Speaker 1:

Real ass bitch Give a fuck about Okay. Okay, stop calling me when.

Speaker 2:

You need some money because I don't got it for you.

Speaker 1:

It all Nine.

Speaker 2:

My man is the best at Making me happy, I'm gonna keep it PG.

Speaker 1:

I really miss how.

Speaker 2:

I really miss how. Oh good, that's a tough one. I don't know you got me. I ain't never quiet.

Speaker 1:

I really miss how he makes me feel Okay. 11, next time I see you.

Speaker 2:

You, oh yeah, that could go either way. I mean, we got to turn up, okay 12, how old are you?

Speaker 1:

got me.

Speaker 2:

How old are you Girl? I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I. To me too.

Speaker 1:

You just sorry now yeah, okay. Let's see what we 13 is hots 10. Spending time with five. It's evening, you're gonna keep dong. Everyone's kicking out 15. I love when.

Speaker 2:

I love when girl pay. They call you're not.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait to. Okay, there's a spin, it's. That's the spin time we that's a spin.

Speaker 1:

It's time we okay, 16, touch me on, touch me on my inside. Love in this, love in this. 19, 6 is so amazing. Okay, 20, their ass is Okay. So, girl, let's jump into our interview. Our first question is Miss Shanice, girl Wimpy, she transition, hold up, hold up, hold up. Let me stop it, I don't mean to know. Saying First, I forgot to start off with a seven questions. So, of course, our seven questions that we saw that I asked everybody your, what are your pronouns, where are you from, what's your occupation, your zodiac, zodiac sign, your merits and status, and do you have keys?

Speaker 2:

So okay, so my pronouns are she, her From Miriam Arkansas. Okay, Miriam Girl, my memory baby. What's the next? I am a store manager for Walgreens.

Speaker 1:

Okay, come on, managers, okay.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the X sign I'm a cancer 70, 11.

Speaker 1:

Merit status. Complicate it okay, just complicated.

Speaker 2:

It's a little complicated.

Speaker 1:

Do you have kids? I do not know kids. Okay, so let's jump up in this interview. So when did you transition?

Speaker 2:

So I dabble a bit. When I was about 17, I Just playing around with it. I didn't take my transition seriously until I was maybe about 22, so Almost ten years.

Speaker 1:

How was the experience transition, oh?

Speaker 2:

I Know I'm gonna get some pushback for this, but I didn't. I don't think I had the same experience as most trans women. Hey, it wasn't like a. I felt like I was necessarily born in the wrong body. It was just something that made me feel like attention and that's what I got and that's kind of how it started, and I just can't see it.

Speaker 1:

No, the way and a lot of girls, a lot of girls. Well, my first interview she was saying you know, it was for the attention me to get nothing, because of course it's different. Transition is to a woman yes, thing is totally a Lot of more attention. Being a girl yes, avoid. So I get that. So how? How are you with your family?

Speaker 2:

um, I Never had to experience hate from my family because of me transitioning or my lifestyle In my family. I mean, I don't have anything bad to say.

Speaker 1:

No, look at guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't have which most Families? I didn't have those stories, like I didn't got put out because of it, or like I can't come around, like it's never that it was never that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, girl got you. What's your type of man?

Speaker 2:

No, seriously, um, my type and this is so weird, I don't know if anybody else never went through this but the older that I get I attract younger me in now and, yes, like 19 and 20 year olds I just turned 31 and I'm not really, I Know, I'm not really attracted to that type anymore. I'm attracted to older, more mature me and not old, older years, older than me, maybe 35 ish. Um, now, back when I was younger and like the type life that was my type, but now that I see that they ain't gonna give me no way. So I would say Somebody with stimuli interested me, somebody who's got something going on for them, sale, be what it is, that's none of my business. We bring something to the table.

Speaker 1:

And. That same thing I say my mind's changed to a portion of you younger. When you're younger, you want all this shit in the man. Thank you, don't get hungry, you ain't gonna see half the shit, you know I say mind change to is I got older. Now I just want a man. You know I'm saying even with trust as hard to trust me, yeah, you can be, I just want to be honest. You know I'm saying we're grown.

Speaker 1:

On his real room and you know I'm saying got his own shit. This pretty much a angle. All the stuff I used to say when I was younger. You all Longest honest. Well, groom, you know I say now keep it set up and yeah and girl you know, we missed out.

Speaker 2:

We probably missed out on so many other great people, right Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, no, you know, you live in your life. Yes, they are an experience. So was life either after you transition or before I.

Speaker 2:

Think it was easier After. It was easier for me to kind of navigate through certain difficult situations, being a woman that no, would have been harder before, why I'll keep it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so why do you think most mean I shame to be between six. I think, if y'all didn't hear that question, I said why do you think most men are ashamed to be with transsexuals in the open?

Speaker 2:

I think it is the stigma I see so many times where women are. You can just be honest about it. They should have been honest about it. If you like such and such, you like it, but as soon as they are, you call them off have some slurs you turn them down. You throw on the dragon they name through the dirt. It's a stigma and they just don't wanna go through it. Some people come from backgrounds where they're just frowned upon. I think the biggest thing is just judgment.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and it is.

Speaker 2:

And it's even if you're going out with someone who is extremely passable, they still feel like somebody's wanna know, Right exactly Girl.

Speaker 1:

You answered that yes, ma'am.

Speaker 2:

I can dug into that question.

Speaker 1:

Okay, as you did. Okay, how do you feel about most trans girls doing six work? What's your take on six work? Okay, Because me, like I said, and my first interview because I used to do it. There ain't no shame with me, I used to do it. It was one of the things why I had to. I did it at times where you know what I'm saying. Times got hard. One of my home girls put me on and she I did my.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I never had no problem, I never you know what I'm saying rent to a person who wanna rob me of me, or you know what I'm saying. I feel like personally I don't just know about. I say do what the fuck you do with you.

Speaker 2:

Know what I'm?

Speaker 1:

saying make you, I mean personally, I wanna make it a job. I see a lot of girls make six work. You know what I'm saying? It's like a career, your career.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying, I mean it's cool for them because they getting teeties, they getting caps and doing it. They all talking to each other. But me personally, me personally, I would. It was never it's something like I hated it. It was just the money thing for me was the biggest part of things. So I say me, I was doing it till I found me a lead. I found me a right lead, baby. But I had a technique, cause I found a lot of techniques you know say the money.

Speaker 1:

You know so. But even when I was doing, I always had a job. I always had my own shit. You know what I'm saying. It's traveling, but on your take, how do you feel about? You? Know what I'm saying About the girls and six work.

Speaker 2:

I think it's a touchy subject Only because I'm like you do what you do. If whatever takes care of you, you ain't out here. You know bad upside head. You know, as far as I'm trying to watch my words cause I, like I said, it's no judgment from me.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna watch the wisdom. Kai is gonna watch it.

Speaker 2:

It's no judgment from me. As far as it goes, I think that there should be an end goal, though, with it. Now I mean, it's quick, easy money and now six work has not just turned into you standing on a corner. It hasn't turned into you people actually physically touching you.

Speaker 2:

You have websites that pay you to see a feed, and people are paying, are buying houses off their feet. So I mean it's evolved from 10, 15 years ago when girls had to walk up and down the street all day. Hey, what you eat, don't make me shit. So, that's pretty much how I feel about it.

Speaker 2:

I just think that you should always have an end goal you know, when you, if you're doing it, and you saving these book hoops of money that you get to buy your house, you're doing something productive with it. You shouldn't be, and I hope I'm not offending nobody In a hotel in a hotel yes if you're still in a hotel 10 years later and you're still doing it. It may not be for you. Right, it's not I mean, if you're just doing it to get by, you're still just getting by, and you know.

Speaker 1:

and that's my whole thing. You know what I'm saying. If you're gonna do what you do, you're gonna hold it for the best of it Be good at it and not just saying getting your teeth done.

Speaker 2:

Getting your teeth done, baby build your credit, get you a house, get you a car, all your home.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Get you a business. A business Do something, don't just go.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. Get them body work done.

Speaker 2:

It's more to life than body work.

Speaker 1:

It's so much more than that you know what I'm saying. Get your shit together. Not knocking the people that do Right, you know that's cool, but those most girls that you see that do that thing, still working at a hotel 10, 15 years later, but you fly into so much money, no man.

Speaker 2:

And you got some girls that can be at the right thing. You know, it's just like I said.

Speaker 1:

It shouldn't be, I don't knock these to each of them.

Speaker 2:

It's not judgment here. Like I said, I live in lifestyle, cause you never know why I might be the mom I live in lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, even if I want my boyfriend to say I wouldn't, you know what I'm saying, I don't know where.

Speaker 2:

You never know what life might throw Cause every time I say never I'm done, everything I never do.

Speaker 1:

So I would never say that, but to each his own.

Speaker 2:

You know, like she said, have a go, no judgment zone on that, and that's just all some girls know, that's all they can do, you know, all right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, next question Do you prefer top or bottom, or both? Tissue you badly with that one A little bit better, little bit better, a little bit better Tissue, you know I like okay, okay With me with this, the top and the bottom, the younger me scream, I'm saying, but the younger me was, I was a strictly you know what I'm saying. Bottom, I didn't. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Didn't understand.

Speaker 1:

But as I got older and me now like I don't, I don't want my man to want it more than me. You know what I'm saying. But, we can try it. Like if he would try here. No, you know what I'm saying Do it, you want to do it here in there.

Speaker 2:

But you can't do it more than me. You can't be turned over. Every night I come home.

Speaker 1:

You can't be.

Speaker 2:

Then I'ma start feeling away Right, right, right.

Speaker 1:

So now.

Speaker 2:

I'ma think you have a plan in my clothes, Girl. I'm not happy with this experience.

Speaker 1:

Girl, me too. Oh God, we're in a fight, Okay.

Speaker 2:

So have you ever had.

Speaker 1:

Have you hold up since? We talked about that. Have you ever had a guy who you ever had? A guy who you know what I'm saying started out he was masculine, then end up in a relationship, end up telling you that he wanted to be a trans. Have you ever had a trans, not that far.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, yeah, that guy's like that before the round that we haven't dated, but I've met guys like that before.

Speaker 1:

See, I was straight, he treated me, he treated me girl, he treated me. You know what I'm saying? He was masculine Handsome, gave off man.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking this is where you know. This is where you know who we is.

Speaker 1:

But girl, one day I went to waste me to stay at. I don't know what was going on, but anyway I went to my mom's house. I spent the night over there. He stayed in my place. I came back the next day. My dress is as she was moved and me I'm a nefri, I know how I leave everything in my house. So my dress is as she was moved, stuff was. I was like what the fuck? Who been? So me, I'm thinking that he has somebody in there.

Speaker 1:

A girl been in there. That's why I was thinking I know this bitch ain't brought no motherfucking whole up in my house, so, girl, I ain't saying nothing about it. I just kept thinking about it Every day, like what the hell? Like what did he do? Who?

Speaker 2:

he had in my house.

Speaker 1:

So couple of weeks went on by and we ended up meeting around he came to me. You know what I'm saying. Long story short. He ended up coming to me and telling me that he wanted to be a trend. He wanted to move away, he wanted to just start dressing up. He wanted me to help him. You know what I'm saying. Get on hormones and do all this and all that. And this is the second guy I dated has. You know what I'm saying. Did that to me and I did not understand it.

Speaker 1:

And I didn't want to you know what I'm saying Right on his parade yeah, I was like.

Speaker 2:

What they gotta do with me.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, you know what I'm saying. I'm my fucking god. So I've been landed with a one Right, so I'm not attracted to girls.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because once you say that, I don't even see you this time.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. And then he wanted to put on my dress while we had sex. Girl, get out. Yes, girl, I'll let him. And that was the most awkwardest. I was like what the fuck see this buffa is me in my dress and it was just like crazy.

Speaker 2:

Now, that's the man that did some crazy stuff.

Speaker 1:

And like.

Speaker 2:

I said I met some men that be like you know we didn't do something afterwards. They be like well, you know, I'm really trying to be like you and I'd be like right A lot of men.

Speaker 1:

Use trans. You know what I'm saying. A lot of men want you know, really want to be, Really want to be girls.

Speaker 1:

I like I had a couple of men come to me and you know I say how you do this, how I want you to be in hormones, I just help me. You know I say I want you to help me shop my club. I'm like, first of all, you know buffa is a mother. Okay, this is going to be a long, okay, but we still cool. You know, we cool, but we not. There was a lot of that.

Speaker 2:

There was a lot of that with a through man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it did. It turned me the fuck off, like I don't want them fucking man, they want to be a woman, but anyway, you want to move on to that. That's another that, okay. So do you think it's important to tell a man what you are off top? Say it, for instance, if you was out in public because I argue with this with a lot of girls. You know I'm saying about, you know I'm saying being in public and like, say, if you're in the club, would you tell a man you think it's important for you to tell a man, hey, I'm a trans station, why you write what I would?

Speaker 2:

know that, say absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

It's a time and a place for everything.

Speaker 2:

You not fit a punch me in my face.

Speaker 1:

Exactly right. Who made the point?

Speaker 2:

Because now you are feel like I demasculated you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you feel embarrassed in front of all these men because you the kind one to be trying to talk to me Right. And we still right here. I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna get your number and I'm gonna tell you after. Exactly, I'm gonna tell you right there, I'm sorry. I alright, Because these days you can't turn no man down because, girl, they get mad because you turn them down. Right, you know you don't give them that number.

Speaker 1:

they be ready to shoot you, I already won my first match. She like I think it's because she's just not starting. She probably knew this probably a year now and she's not comfortable with herself yet. So therefore, if she's down to put with, you know, saying somebody try to talk to, she gets skin and I remember when I first started, I used to be so nervous, I mean I feel like they already know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you don't be knowing it's going to your head. Do they know? Or they don't know? Yeah, they used to make me, you know, saying like when I'm in public most of the time talking about just baby, I ignore. Yeah, I know, like a month now, you know I'm saying well, of course I'm in a relationship. Yeah but if I'm a guy tried to approach me, you know I'm saying I'm not there, I'm gonna say nothing. But I'm not gonna send him my.

Speaker 1:

T right there Like you said, anything you have to right there. Thank you, whoop your ass right there. I'm sorry, trying to prove it's funny from these homeboys, or bitch or you know, say anybody saw this stupid, to tell them. You know, and my friend was like girl. No, when I tell them, you know they be cool, they was thinking or something.

Speaker 2:

They should go. I'm not going to do that they should. It's a time and a place for everything. Not doing that. So not that doesn't mean we're trying to trick nobody.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I'm not going to tell you it's quick, I'll be back.

Speaker 1:

And I give you them digits.

Speaker 2:

I'll be back. Trust me.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna see you because I'm very, very safe about myself. I don't know about it.

Speaker 2:

You know that's a dangerous game to play, but we not. It's not a game, we just. The game is when you tell them in person and you don't know them.

Speaker 1:

So do you approach me or you let them approach you? I never approach the man Really.

Speaker 2:

I was real drunk. Maybe I was drunk.

Speaker 1:

I can believe I was doing it.

Speaker 2:

A person I'm a shy person, me too, I know them.

Speaker 1:

I ain't got nothing to do with me, I'm just shy, I'm shy as hell. Me too. I'll be saying it like why am I bartending a server and I have to deal with people here, and I work with people all day and I'll be shy.

Speaker 2:

Every time, every time.

Speaker 1:

Like years later. Yeah, get comfortable, you know what I'm saying. But yeah, I don't approach either.

Speaker 2:

I have to let them approach. I've never approached a guy and girl. You can picture another drink as you go Girl.

Speaker 1:

Then why teach you how to make a drink at the beginning of the show? So I you know what I'm saying. As you drink, just make it on. You know how to make it. You know what I'm saying, simple. So next question what changes you think needs to be made in the gay community? How can we better our community? When I say that, meaning like the gays, like I feel like we always on air with the straight people about, you know what I'm saying the shit they say, the shit they do. But it's a community we are full of shit we don't support each other.

Speaker 1:

We are the misids, motherfuckers, there is. You know what I'm saying. Say it, you know what.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying. Most of them think we are above the world I feel like gays are. That's why I don't deal. You know what I'm saying my own, of course. I got certain people, a handful of people, that I fuck with in the gay community. As far as I've been through my shit with gays years 10 to 15 years with gays so now, like I said, under my 30s, I don't let that shit go. Their life goes to friends and people. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Most of them don't be your friends, hell, no, every month was out. Yeah, I ain't gonna say half majority of that I ran with, well, none of them. No, you did.

Speaker 2:

I think it's a big goodbye in. You know like you got gay men that don't like trans women Don't understand that A lot of gay men don't like trans women.

Speaker 1:

And I think they want to be trans. You know what I'm saying? A lot of gay men, feminine guys, want to be trans. They want to walk in that shoe but they can't Stop the transition, because they always say oh, I think you should wear this. Oh, I think you should wear this, you should wear this. I feel like I hate this one for gays always saying I think you need to wear this. You should wear your hair like this. First of all, you can wear your hair like this. Thank you, you do you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't do it. It's always that misgendering, you know. I think that's a different divide within itself. But why we're all? They're not going to look at you and say, oh, because you haven't transitioned, you're less of a gay person, or we're not going to judge you. We're going to judge them, we're still. They're going to look at us. The exact same. And especially in the black gay community, we already got two strikes against us and then you ain't going to stick together with your own kind. It's just always so much bickering. Come on now. People dying every day it's just too much. You know what I say with these gay communities.

Speaker 1:

I hate it, like, even like. I saw you even going, like going out, Like I don't know. It's just, it ain't the same, it's not. They're staring at you. They stare at you, me and Morgan, yeah, and it's with you, I mean the last time. I went out, girl to what was the club on walking Walking. What's it called the old special? Not the old special, though, oh, I forgot that.

Speaker 2:

But, girl.

Speaker 1:

I probably did last time with her pop out about two years ago and I haven't. She phoned me. I ain't been in years, went to the club girl me and my brother never forget A lot of girls, new girls. I ain't, I don't know nothing. I don't know nothing to do with new girls, but girl, they were mugging me down, staring at me, girls trying to be probably with me, bump One big girl trying to bump me. I was like, oh my God, it was just crazy.

Speaker 2:

That's how it is and I'm like I'll be out when I do go, you mugging me up and I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, yeah, like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

They want you to speak. I don't speak, man, because I'm Southern hospitality.

Speaker 1:

I'm from Arkansas, you know. I don't know if you will, but what I'm speaking for, like If I'm drunk, i'ma speak.

Speaker 2:

If I ain't had nothing to drink yet and I already feel like you ate me, I ain't gonna say nothing either. But yeah like it'd be so much animosity Like that ain't how I used to be when I used to go out. The girls weren't like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they were whole full of shit.

Speaker 2:

Still, they did, they was, but he wasn't like this. Yeah, it's different.

Speaker 1:

It's totally different. They fighting like motherfuckers and see I ain't got time. And there's another reason why I don't go out, because they don't jump in your ass like him dawgs OK.

Speaker 2:

And baby, you better catch me.

Speaker 1:

And baby beat me out of my hair, and then Mom, we gotta go to work, Mom. And I have no life on my head, ok, but we should all young, young gays, ok.

Speaker 2:

They real ruthless and honestly girl, they older, older. When some respect they do.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of girls don't even know the hook. I ain't never they be thinking I'm a new person because I don't? They ain't never seen me. You know what I'm saying. They be trying to pick and shit me Good.

Speaker 2:

Ain't nobody new to this? Ok, it's not that baby.

Speaker 1:

Ain't nobody new, right? So next question how is dating life as a trend? Oh, Actual dating is a bit different. Go through it when you're dating life.

Speaker 2:

So I think my biggest thing is I meet a lot of people out in the open, so you have to go through that whole spiel of me clocking my TGU eventually and then we have to see how it goes from there. But the conversation usually shifts once you start telling them who you are. That's when the conversation changes. So now relationship is not really the main priority it comes to sex I hate that, I just hate that man.

Speaker 1:

That makes you feel so, and that's another reason why I ain't going to say most, but I was one of the girls you know what I'm saying that did sex with, because I feel like every time it came to a gal, you know what I'm saying, or if I want to see it get in a relationship, or you know, or tell them, I see it came to that.

Speaker 2:

It always comes to sex. Or it made me so fucking mad Like you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

So if it's going to be a sex, you don't pay me, pay me.

Speaker 2:

You don't pay me, and that's how a lot of girls feel Like if that's all you want from me and I don't really want it from you, give me something.

Speaker 1:

I ain't feeling for you.

Speaker 2:

You could have used me. You just hook me and gone back to being. If you're going to use me, I'm going to use you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, we both going to get some out of this, ok.

Speaker 2:

But dating has the people that actually know me know I ain't I've been long term relationships. I think I'm personally over dating right now just because I've did the moving in, living together, all of that and I'm kind of not really over it. I want to take it really slow. Dating is not really, of course, there's no shortage of man. I know what to look for now, since I've got older. I put it like that All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

all right, all right. This is how I was before I met my boyfriend. I wasn't used to it Like I wasn't. I was just more getting to know myself myself.

Speaker 2:

I was on this journal.

Speaker 1:

Just feeling good, you know what I'm saying. In a good mood, good zone, just living my life. You know what I'm saying Getting shit together, I started. You know what I'm saying Trying to work on my credit, you know what I'm saying, just doing stuff that I didn't give a fuck about in my tour Before.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying so.

Speaker 1:

I was just like, not that I was done with it, but I was just like, if it happened to happen to happen.

Speaker 2:

Don't let it down. I'm not looking for shit, that's fine. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

And it ended up happening with a guy who I would normally date, normally look for.

Speaker 2:

Like you said, Thug, that was my type.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying Thug man, you know what I'm saying. I ended up finding a more of a gamer nerdy, sweet still. He ended up getting me in, Still sneaky, but he was different and I like it there. We both was different, so it ended up working. Sometimes I feel like this happened, so you have to go outside the bathroom and get something different, because the stuff that needs it would be more.

Speaker 2:

It's not really fun.

Speaker 1:

It'll be good, it'll be fun it all.

Speaker 2:

We want it and there'll be shit, nothing, nothing can come to it, god, because he's trying to tell us, go the other way. And here we go.

Speaker 1:

You're still doing it.

Speaker 2:

We're still doing it Right.

Speaker 1:

If you could change anything about yourself. Would it be, and why?

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't change my past, that's for sure. I feel like everything that I've been through has really helped me grow. I feel like I hold grudges and I'm really working on it. I promise I am. But if you do something to me and me, if you really know me, I'm going to give you a million chances. But if you don't really make me mad to the point where I ain't talking to you no more, you probably never hear from me again, and I try to mend those relationships with people.

Speaker 2:

But I'm really stubborn when it comes to that, because I will give people a million chances, but once I'm done, I'm done and I don't care who you are. You can't be shambling, so I really want to work on letting stuff go. It'd be hard for me.

Speaker 1:

It used to be me. You know what I'm saying. As I got older I didn't get better with the special in relationships. I mean my boyfriend's stubborn, and I'm stubborn. So we got to compromise so therefore, as I got older, it doesn't work. So it just somebody got to be the bigger person.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's what it means.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes she just ain't worth it, no more.

Speaker 2:

It's not, and you know, holding on to that, oh, trauma ain't good, but it's not good, girl, it's still fucking right now Because they don't both get to move, all about that. Ok, and you still be mad. Ok, it's fucking right now, still though.

Speaker 1:

I get together, ok. Would you ever date a transsexual? I'd love to Next question.

Speaker 2:

I've been approached. Baby, okay, you didn't have to meet someone.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, I don't even get to fuck off, dance on me. I don't even get to fuck with you, please.

Speaker 2:

I am throwing up.

Speaker 1:

Right, no man, and I love myself, but I mean.

Speaker 2:

I don't love me enough to date me, Right? No yeah.

Speaker 1:

Do you want kids?

Speaker 2:

I have thought about kids. I got a dog right now, so I just got a dog A little, um, shit shit. I have thought about kids, though Adopting, cause I want a child that's past the newborn stage, but, yeah, I've thought about kids. I'm getting old though, so try, I don't need to be 50 years old and no graduation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, this I am Okay, I'm over it. How do you feel about over a life?

Speaker 2:

That brings back memories. I've had somebody who wants to be in one.

Speaker 1:

I don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't, I don't, it's not my thing, it's not my thing, cause I don't want to share, because if I do what you think you're going to do, you're going to be mad, cause I'm going to do it then.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I don't believe in that. I don't. It works for some people, Me personally, I couldn't do it Now.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a person that I love, I love, yeah, cause I don't like that's not hurting me Hell yeah, it's not hurting me. I don't see myself. I don't see myself shirming nobody that I love, that you love.

Speaker 1:

I can't, I don't give a fuck how, how long we been together, how long we been married, shit to fill a part. I just don't see me. I agree. I don't see it and why.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that if somebody like I said no judging to the people that do somebody really loves you, I don't even think they would even bring it up as an option.

Speaker 1:

My opinion Okay, so we've been going to a game and we're going to get ready to close up the interview.

Speaker 2:

See, I told you, you won't even get banned. We're bad, honey. Okay, we're bad real quick.

Speaker 1:

So this guy is just either, or you just pick one, okay, so spit, or swallow.

Speaker 2:

That's a hard one. You pick on who it is Good, right, it's my man girl. Which do you prefer?

Speaker 1:

Degust spit girl. Okay, eat a nigga ass or a woman pussy. Eat a nigga ass or a woman's vagina. What have you say, regina? Okay, I don't know what to say. I just snapped my up my forte that thing.

Speaker 2:

See girl, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. See girl, these questions require some explanation. I can't just be answering. I need to explain why you can't explain it girl.

Speaker 1:

Okay, which, which, which, which do you do? Which one? Oh, gotta be one. I'm gonna eat my nigga ass, because I'm only gonna do that for my nigga Right. And I know it's gonna be nice and clean. You're gonna clean down baby, okay, cause they love it. The women that you need me in for years.

Speaker 2:

honey, they have, it needs me and just ain't been saying nothing.

Speaker 1:

Honey, now they use, they tell them everything Okay.

Speaker 2:

Suki told on y'all. We be eating nigga ass, okay, hold on.

Speaker 1:

I ain't say okay then.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't need no imposter, don't get no ideas Okay.

Speaker 1:

Spitting the mouth or go to shower.

Speaker 2:

Spitting the mouth. Spitting the mouth okay, the other one is not even an option. You know what. I know what you're gonna say. I already know what you're gonna say. I never said it.

Speaker 1:

I have thought about it. Have you guys ever been to ask you? Yeah, I have. I am younger. I just ain't got to. I gave her a month. Wanted me to pee on her.

Speaker 2:

She on her before To somebody I have I think that's just so disgusting. I'm done. I'm done.

Speaker 1:

Me too.

Speaker 2:

I have done it. They have been to me Cause you're not gonna do that to me, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I ain't gonna say I don't know, that is gross, that is nasty, it is, but I have thought about it. I ain't gonna say I haven't thought about it, cause I have thought about it. I have. I was just like I wonder what, what do?

Speaker 2:

you feel like, like, what do?

Speaker 1:

you get out of it. That's what I do. Like what you get out of it, somebody peeing on you. I had a friend and we had a serious conversation about this, this fetus line. I have those type of fetuses. She fetus too, that means she, and this is gross.

Speaker 2:

I've had a friend, this man and she was like her and her husband do it, but she was like a couple of days before he came to drink a lot of water Like she was like.

Speaker 1:

Right, not being a sense that I be drunk.

Speaker 2:

She said the shit's beyond nasty, but we like it. You're not finna. Piss on me. If you can drink tequila or not, I agree, alright. Okay, let's see. Okay, salad sex or heavy moaning, heavy moaning. Okay, I can't be stylish, alright.

Speaker 1:

Trick or treat Trick, of course. 10 minutes or 30?.

Speaker 2:

10 minutes I need to keep it, keep it, keep it tight, okay, alright.

Speaker 1:

Okay, a man, feet or his hands.

Speaker 2:

Hands, hands Me, and all of you, just take care of their feet, chad, right man show them. Oh, chad.

Speaker 1:

Toils be curled into the mouth. Okay, I did his feet yesterday. Oh my God, my man showed the man and take care of his feet. Okay, one million or a gift paid $1,000 a week for the rest of your life.

Speaker 2:

Give me a thousand dollars weekly. I feel like if I get a million dollars at one time, it's over, it's over. I'm gonna waste it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I need that consistent income. Do you hear me, if you could tell your ex one thing, what would you tell him? Look to the screen. Tell him mother fucker. Good.

Speaker 1:

Give me that ball. I don't know how you end with your ex.

Speaker 2:

My most recent ex or any ex.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your most recent.

Speaker 2:

You know we have that's one of the relationships that I have recently mended, so I don't have anything bad to say and honestly, it's really our love. I think that when we first met, neither one of us were in the right place, so we, if we would have mended a different time, I think we would have been different. Yeah, I have nothing bad to say. It's our love man. You asked me about some other exes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so they wrapped up their interview and I really enjoyed this interview. I did too. It was cool, it was fast.

Speaker 2:

I told you it was. It's been 40 minutes. It doesn't even seem like it. I know Do.

Speaker 1:

I say it once we get to talking baby time, go back. You know what I'm saying. But you guys make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel Also. This video will be out next week, but next Monday at seven o'clock on YouTube. Video form on YouTube. Of course you can listen to Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon music, and the list goes on. But make sure you guys do subscribe to my channel and also, I got you a beer.

Speaker 1:

Oh, for me. Yeah, if you ever comment out for my show, here you go. Thank you, no problem, you can open up that when we get through. Okay, so you guys, like I said, subscribe to my YouTube channel. This episode is over with. Thank you, guys. Love you to next time, bye, Peace.

Cocktails, Sister's Interview, and Transition
Experience Transition and Attitudes Towards It
Views on Goals, Spending, and Relationships
Challenges Within the Gay Community
Views on Relationships, Sex, and Dating
Sexual Preferences and Experiences