Kocktales & Konvo With Khyia

KKWK: EP7 with Tamara Pollard acting,modeling,HR,family,relationship and more....

December 04, 2023 Khyia Ward Episode 0
KKWK: EP7 with Tamara Pollard acting,modeling,HR,family,relationship and more....
Kocktales & Konvo With Khyia
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Kocktales & Konvo With Khyia
KKWK: EP7 with Tamara Pollard acting,modeling,HR,family,relationship and more....
Dec 04, 2023 Episode 0
Khyia Ward

Get ready to be a figurative fly on the wall as we, Khyia and Tamara Pollard, kick back with a refreshing round of green tea cocktails and a captivating game of truth-or-dare-esque Resha's Roulette. We put our personal and occasionally risqué anecdotes on the table, sharing stories about partner squabbles and our shoplifting pasts. Plus, stomach-knotting dares that’ll have you both cringing and laughing! The best part? We sip on our cocktails with every shocking revelation.

Brace yourself, as we're joined by a powerhouse guest, a brilliant human resources professional cum actress, who shares the rollercoaster ride of balancing multiple careers. Listen closely as she unravels her journey to self-care, her perseverance through childhood trauma, and how she juggles her two passions. It's not all work though, we dive into the world of acting, discussing our dream collaborations and the joys of stepping into someone else's shoes. Of course, we also touch upon the challenges of being working mothers in the industry and the importance of authenticity.

And then, we bare it all, talking about the time-honored tradition of coming out to family, the reactions, and acceptance we encountered, and how these experiences shaped our personal growth. We reflect on the importance of honesty and open communication in fostering long-lasting relationships. And, we delve into the often-ignored conversation about asserting oneself within a relationship, finding the right balance between being too nice and standing one's ground. So, join us on this journey of hilarity, honesty, and a few surprise revelations that promise to entertain as much as they enlighten.

Facebook- Khyia Ward
Instagram-Khyia Ward
YouTube- KhyiaWard
TikTok- KhyiaWard

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Get ready to be a figurative fly on the wall as we, Khyia and Tamara Pollard, kick back with a refreshing round of green tea cocktails and a captivating game of truth-or-dare-esque Resha's Roulette. We put our personal and occasionally risqué anecdotes on the table, sharing stories about partner squabbles and our shoplifting pasts. Plus, stomach-knotting dares that’ll have you both cringing and laughing! The best part? We sip on our cocktails with every shocking revelation.

Brace yourself, as we're joined by a powerhouse guest, a brilliant human resources professional cum actress, who shares the rollercoaster ride of balancing multiple careers. Listen closely as she unravels her journey to self-care, her perseverance through childhood trauma, and how she juggles her two passions. It's not all work though, we dive into the world of acting, discussing our dream collaborations and the joys of stepping into someone else's shoes. Of course, we also touch upon the challenges of being working mothers in the industry and the importance of authenticity.

And then, we bare it all, talking about the time-honored tradition of coming out to family, the reactions, and acceptance we encountered, and how these experiences shaped our personal growth. We reflect on the importance of honesty and open communication in fostering long-lasting relationships. And, we delve into the often-ignored conversation about asserting oneself within a relationship, finding the right balance between being too nice and standing one's ground. So, join us on this journey of hilarity, honesty, and a few surprise revelations that promise to entertain as much as they enlighten.

Facebook- Khyia Ward
Instagram-Khyia Ward
YouTube- KhyiaWard
TikTok- KhyiaWard

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Cocktails and Coma. With Kaya, we are going to be making cocktails and opening up our personal life. Today, I have my girl, tamarapala, with me.

Speaker 3:

today, hey y'all.

Speaker 2:

And y'all know how we kick out my podcast. We start off with a cocktail. Today we are making green tea, and I think I made this on my first episode. So basically, all of this is a Jameson whiskey, peach snob and this is peach snob, and also sweet and sour mixed three ingredients. So we are going to make our drink. We are going to have our alcohol poe soda for our shot and I'm wasting it for my drink, for our shot in a whiskey. Then you have a shot of peach snob.

Speaker 2:

How you doing today, girl. I'm doing great. Thanks, girl. Great if it is strange. Alright, do you hear me? I feel so good in the sober. Okay, I need to put a little bit more whiskey in. I need to put some limes. Oh no, I need to waste some limes out. You got your own bottle there, so drink it up. Make your own drink again. Here you go. You're squeezing some out with me, so you just want to get in there. Here you go. Thank you, man, and you're going to stay there around. Okay, here you go. Give me a lime. That's how you do it. Give me a lime and a lime. Yeah, that's it. There. We have it Green tea, and it's the bomb. That's it, okay, y'all, we're starting off with a game. Today we have a new game.

Speaker 2:

This game is called Richie's Roulette. It's about young Miami from the City Girls. If y'all watch her podcast, y'all know this game is wild. We're not going to play the shooting there for it, but we are going to take shots. Now, girl, we can do shots or we can do sips. I prefer to do sips, me too. Shops, I don't want to be too mischievous. Let's do sips, so we'll do sips. Okay so, we're going to do sips. Okay so. And they got their own new shotgun, sq.

Speaker 2:

Bring that one Use the shotgun, and this is and how we're going to do this. Let's push this back and we're going to pull the cards over here. So, girl, if you see your truth in there, just skip it Okay. So we're going to do that. Okay, this is my card. Don't spill it in here. I don't know what it says, okay, so what we're going to do is pull from the day, and I'm going to let you pull first.

Speaker 1:

Okay, here we go the gang.

Speaker 3:

What is that? Take a shot or sip, if you've ever gotten to a fight with one of your boyfriend or girlfriend's parents, oh, no Me either.

Speaker 2:

No man, no, okay, okay. This one says take a shot if you went out with COVID but didn't tell the people you went out with. I'm trying to. No, I didn't even say I got to the nasty, I didn't go to work.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I want to, I want to. That's a good beat up. That's a dare. Wait a minute, what is that? Take a shot if you ever put your finger in a man's ass and he's like Wait a minute, did I get to see it?

Speaker 2:

There was a time in the past, everybody got a pass. Everybody got a pass, okay.

Speaker 3:

It was hilarious.

Speaker 2:

God tell these twins are crazy. Take a shot if you ever broke in a man's house. No, I ain't ever done that, no man.

Speaker 3:

Take a shot. If you've ever stolen your mom's car, hell, nah, my mom ain't playing. Yeah, my mom beat me up today. I'm gonna get it with the later.

Speaker 2:

I'm good, hell nah, take a shot if you ever talked about your friend behind their back.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't play that fake shit.

Speaker 3:

There, oh, wow, wow card.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you got a wow card.

Speaker 3:

Name the last four people you had sex with or take two shots, okay.

Speaker 2:

Who is it? It's you right, it's me. Oh yeah, okay, so do we supposed to be asking each other the question? You're right.

Speaker 3:

No, I guess the question goes for both of us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we can relate with your name, okay so, yeah, you take my two sips, two big sips, cause no man Not doing that. Show a video of yourself doing a sexual act or take three shots.

Speaker 3:

We gonna be good girl. Yes, man Quick.

Speaker 2:

And it's so good Wow card.

Speaker 3:

Record yourself hopping on one leg and barking like a dog. Then post it with the caption on your that's more like a dare right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we just get that. We gonna skip that.

Speaker 3:

Why do I keep getting these wow cards?

Speaker 2:

Okay, you get not all the wow cards.

Speaker 3:

Let the closest pussy to you, so you were taking three shots.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I think that's you. Is that you? Is that just you, since you pulled the card, or is it both of?

Speaker 3:

us. I think it's this, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

How does it? It didn't come with no U. Yeah, I hold it because this game really didn't come with no instructions, scrubs, since I think it's like one card that said you. But I was thinking like if you pulled the card and if you can relate or Like it's for both, right? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's up in here. It's one card, whatever, I don't know. No, oh, my God, you don't like any of this. What it's like? Huh, kids, the closest person next to you, or a tainted shot.

Speaker 3:

This is a game that we play with a group of people.

Speaker 2:

Right, this is a group game, but you don't want to be playing the whole podcast. That's hilarious.

Speaker 3:

I need this game.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 3:

Wow card. Take a shot. Or call your baby mama, baby daddy and tell them how you feel. Take a shot, because I ain't trying to cut somebody out tonight, okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, wow card. Take a Risha Roulette shot. Mix light and dark. Oh no, man, we don't pass then because Pass, pass, pass.

Speaker 3:

Look my no hands. Take a shot using your mouth only. I can't believe.

Speaker 2:

I want to join you with that one.

Speaker 1:

I guess we'll just use the oh, then I'm supposed to.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we're going to put it in here, let me say, without your hands. Okay, exactly, I'm going to come out these heels, but I have to get comfortable, they're going to be like look at this little freak out.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Y'all, we got to do this.

Speaker 3:

That wasn't hard, it wasn't. They probably got more in my back than you did in the shot, though Okay, let's see With it. Okay, take a shot, if you ever saw your fool stand Fooling yeah, yeah, of course.

Speaker 2:

Yes, ma'am, take two shots. If you're a city girl, I am a city mother fucking girl.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, yeah, my drink almost empty.

Speaker 2:

That's why we got our own shishou and refilled it back. Let's see.

Speaker 3:

Take two shots if you can't cook, because look the fuck, I can cook.

Speaker 2:

Right, speaking of cooking, I know I have started, like you know, my podcast be my guest now and I was going to order something. But my boyfriend wants to cook. You know he's cousin. He wanted to cook pasta occasion, pasta wherever. Yeah, he's so good and I knew he was going to do something extra and fucking, he made it too spicy, but I like spicy food.

Speaker 3:

Though you might like it, this is how it is to mother. I love spicy food.

Speaker 2:

You got some hot ass Supposed to be cages.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Take a shot if you ever had a three son with your best friend, no Best friend though. No.

Speaker 3:

Take a shot if you ever mess with a mother and daughter or father and son.

Speaker 2:

Not saying they tried, but I had her. Take a shot if you ever miss with a married person and their spouse no, I have not, but a lot of have you come to come? Come at me, mary, couples, I do not understand. It Happens a lot.

Speaker 3:

Take a shot if you ever had a butt plug suck in your ass. Oh man, it's the honest game. She's just lying.

Speaker 2:

I bought me a butt plug when I was in New Orleans, did you? Yeah, but I don't like them. I think I bought the wrong one. No man, it's on me. What's that mean of you?

Speaker 3:

I read it.

Speaker 2:

Take a shot if you ever left home without rushing your teeth. Oh my God, I'm in one time I forgot I have. I'm an honest person, but I have left that house without rushing my teeth. But you know where I stopped and got me some toothpaste in the toothbrush.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you know, taking my daughter to school in the morning. I got the car. Let me be honest, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have. I forgot how to rush in the work and I was like oh, my fucking God, I don't get out.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I think it's me. Take a shot if you've ever spit in someone's food or drink. Oh no, I have a best disgusting.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's like take a shot if you ever fuck before the money and never got it. That is funny, no way. But this one is a honey you don't want any and baby you can put in it. Work it.

Speaker 3:

Take a shot if you ever use someone else's toothbrush? No, that's bad, it's spitting, it's nasty.

Speaker 2:

No, dare I see the tongue? No man, take a shot if you're into fifty shades of gray, type of six.

Speaker 3:

That's a fucking loop.

Speaker 2:

I only watched you into the girl For real. I don't say I'm into it, but I'm open. I'm very open-minded, so I'll be down and traveling yeah.

Speaker 1:

Being tied up, and all that For real girl.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm freaking out, but this one.

Speaker 3:

I have like a, I guess, a control fantasy type of thing. Okay, yeah. Because, I'm so independent in the real world like job, career, kids, mama. So in a bit I'm going to be controlled, so yeah, Okay, then Miscontrol. Oh, it's me, huh. Save your tipsy, take a shot. If you don't shave, no wax. Your private parts no wax.

Speaker 2:

They say if you don't shave, if you don't shave or wax your private parts. If you don't, yeah, they say, take a shot. If you don't, if we don't, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm freaking like yeah, it's the alcohol, because I was like I'm on the wedding.

Speaker 3:

We are in tipsy, it's okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

Take a shot if you bought a house or a car this year.

Speaker 3:

A board three-pointer car, a truck this year.

Speaker 2:

He did what I did.

Speaker 3:

Take a shot. You want to slap your mama?

Speaker 2:

No, Karisha crazy, take a shot. Have you ever missed with one of your parents, boyfriend or girlfriend behind their back?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Hell no.

Speaker 3:

No, let's try. Then gross, take a shot, if you ever called off a wedding.

Speaker 2:

Call off a wedding.

Speaker 3:

I don't care.

Speaker 2:

Take a shot of you ever got food catering, but pretend that you cooked it. I love to cook.

Speaker 3:

Take a shot if your man got a little bit, or if you were the man with a little bit. My girl got a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Take a shot if you believe in the poly, if you believe in it.

Speaker 3:

If you believe in it.

Speaker 2:

For real Believe in it.

Speaker 3:

I'm very, I'm extremely open minded to a fault.

Speaker 2:

I ain't against it. It's just when you say believe, believe in it, believe. I don't know, I don't just know. I don't, you wouldn't do it though. No, poly is the most popular right in the relationship. I'm very jealous. I don't like to share it. I don't see me doing it. I don't see me doing it. But to each his own. I can't do it. You do that.

Speaker 3:

If the foundation is strong enough. The foundation has to be strong. The foundation has to be strong. Baby, I don't. The foundation will have to be strong. Second family one woman.

Speaker 2:

Understand that woman, knowing she looks aggressive with her problem. I can see me in the girl fight. Baby, it's my turn.

Speaker 3:

That's my turn. Take two shots if you are in a relationship with someone you know you shouldn't be with Okay, this is stupid.

Speaker 2:

No, this is there. No. I want to smell somebody on pizza, some of these questions are kind of white, pretty sure. Take a shot if you never gave. Select gave or had, or six Take a shot if you never. If you haven't, if you never have.

Speaker 1:

No, I think the instructor she was looking for.

Speaker 3:

Right. So there Another dare, a dare. I guess I'm on all the dares now. So we playing the right, they say everybody do get If you would like you drink, so yeah, Take a shot if you put someone else's credit card on your Uber account without them knowing no.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, take a shot if you ever put candy in someone's gas tank. I haven't. I thought about it though.

Speaker 1:

I thought, about it.

Speaker 2:

When are you up time?

Speaker 3:

Take a shot if you ever had to contact someone from a free text message app because they blocked you. No, I've had people contact me for free text message.

Speaker 2:

You hear me how, if you hear me there? Nope, not today, they're not today, they're down. So we're in the dare section. Take a shot, if you ever been arrested, I'm going to refill my glass because it's down.

Speaker 3:

It is signed for a refill. Okay, do I need some more ice? I'll get the glass, okay.

Speaker 2:

Dab with a peach snob. There you go. Okay, baby, this game is some serious. They've been in it. In a minute let's start on this interview.

Speaker 3:

A little bit more chamomile. I'm not driving.

Speaker 2:

So you're good, you got the driver, and there we are. Okay, who turned?

Speaker 1:

the s? I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. Take a shot if you ever sucked that man's nipple or if you are a man who likes to snipple, sucked. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Suck the nipple, please, my man.

Speaker 3:

Baby likes to snipple, sucked. Take a shot if you're on birth control or if your main bitch is on birth control. I mean, I don't have any durs though, tmi. I'm not a driver or a shooter. I'm sorry, I was just. I was just wising around.

Speaker 2:

I'll let you pull them, I'll let you pull them. Go ahead and pull them, baby. Okay, take a shot. Take a shot if you ever fuck someone and then turn around and fuck their friend. Let me just go bake in my 20s. Let me see I'm trying to bake. Yeah, I did.

Speaker 3:

Give a mind on 41, now 20s military Come on now.

Speaker 2:

I did some shit.

Speaker 3:

I'm not ashamed of who I was, Huh at all. Take a shot if you ever turn the trick for less than $500 or if you trick off for less than $500.

Speaker 2:

I have it. I am, and y'all know it, back in my life. Yes, I have done my thing, so yes, let's say everybody got a pass.

Speaker 3:

Yes, ma'am, take a shot if you like your so-sook, or you like suckin' so-so I like my so-sook, I don't like my feet, but my man don't like suckin', so-so when I go get pedicure I'm holding a chair like this For real. I don't like my feet being in the chair like I don't Take a shot if you be going to the airport with your bond of the do-rag one.

Speaker 2:

No, never had I go to the airport like this Okay, do you hear me? Okay, I'm gonna let you put the last one, then we're gonna start on the interview, okay, so take a shot if you have a sugar mama or sugar daddy. No, I do not have them. No, but I have had, I have had, I have had, I have had, I have had, I have had I have had. I have had, I have had, I have had, I have had, I have had, I have had. It's not my life anymore, no game.

Speaker 3:

Then, though, Take a shot. If you had to do something for money that you would take to the grave baby.

Speaker 2:

You, son of a mother, had to take it, take to the grave.

Speaker 3:

No, because I'm not ashamed of nothing I've done. So I wouldn't have taken anything to the grave.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we're gonna wrap that up. Okay, y'all we done with the game, so we're gonna wrap up the interview, our second half, which is the questions of the interview. Oh baby, I feel good. I need my money. I gotta mess this. Who's on this? Lippin'? Yes, pass me there, right there.

Speaker 3:

Oh, excuse me, I didn't want to throw this shit here. I got down all this. Let's go Get right there. Okay, so I have seven, I have seven, I have seven, I have seven, I have seven, I have seven, I have seven, I have seven, I have seven, I have seven.

Speaker 2:

I have seven questions that I ask all my guests. So let's start off my interview, which are what are your pronouns, what's your merits and status? Do you have kids? If so, how many? Where are you originally from, what's your occupation, what's your zodiac sign and how old are you? You don't have to tell your exact age if you don't want to.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So, starting with your pronouns, she, her, well, she and her.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what's your merits and status?

Speaker 3:

I am not married, but in a relationship. I'm in a serious, committed relationship, okay.

Speaker 2:

Do you have kids, so how many?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I have three.

Speaker 2:

Okay, where you originally from.

Speaker 3:

I am originally from the country of Clarksdale, Arkansas, in between Sirle and Jericho.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what's your zodiac sign?

Speaker 3:

I'm an Aries.

Speaker 2:

Aries, they don't have. And how old are you? I am 41. And don't look Shit 40. Nothing, nothing At all. Okay. So, girl, let's jump into this interview. Okay, is self-care important to you, and why?

Speaker 3:

Yes, self-care is important to me because if I'm not okay, people around me aren't okay. So, younger I didn't. Really you don't take self-care seriously when you're younger, but the older I get, the more mature I get. I realize that if I'm not okay, my kids ain't okay, the household not okay.

Speaker 1:

So self-care is very important to me.

Speaker 3:

That's very true, okay.

Speaker 2:

And I did ask you your occupations, right.

Speaker 3:

No occupation Human resources for the last 17 years. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Also, what else are you involved in?

Speaker 3:

I am an actress.

Speaker 2:

Actress yes, ma'am.

Speaker 3:

I am an actress.

Speaker 2:

Do you hear me?

Speaker 3:

In real life, like for real Real life Okay, so you act Okay.

Speaker 2:

So what does family mean to you?

Speaker 3:

Family means a lot to me. I love my family. I have a small but close family on my mom and dad's side of the family and, of course, my children. Family means a lot to me, but I'm also one of those who, if need be, family can be cut off if that makes sense, because my peace means the most to me. I love my family as long as we're peaceful.

Speaker 2:

Right Agree, 100%. Yeah. What does family come from? Does having so many jobs or husband ever affect your relationship, now or past?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because I'm very, very career-oriented and career-driven. I think I get there from my mom and my dad and whenever I have a passion, whether it's HR or acting, I take it serious, so it can affect it because you're so driven to perfect it. So yeah, it can affect it Time-wise Right Is acting.

Speaker 2:

A dream, though, is it a main goal.

Speaker 3:

Acting is what I want to retire doing. I love human resources. I've been doing it for 17 years, but now that I've picked back up my true passion, that's what I want to do.

Speaker 2:

Tell me more about your human resource HR.

Speaker 3:

So I was in the Navy for five years. I was in IT, didn't like I mean, didn't really like computer things. I'm over a people person. So when I got out I went directly to human resources. I've been in human resources since 2005, 2006.

Speaker 2:

Well damn, you gotta love it, I do.

Speaker 3:

Because I'm a people person and I'm more of the type of human resource Like, look at me, I don't look like a typical. They call me the tatted HR lady because I love it, because I'm able to relate to people better than most human resources. People. Because when you think HR you think stuffy, mean my office hours are. I'm not like that. If I'm in a warehouse I'm on the floor with everybody, if, no matter what the occupation is, I'm in the midst of the employees so they can feel comfortable with me, so I can be the bridge between employee and their manager. So that's why I love it, because I'm a people person. I love helping people as well as benefiting the company. So it's just been my thing and it stuck with me. I started entry level and now I'm at singing level, so I love it. I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you've been in there for a long time, a long time.

Speaker 3:

And I don't think I can break a job for that long.

Speaker 2:

You have to love it, love what you do, because I have never worked a job probably the same. Probably after a good three years I'll be ready for something else I'll do it. Yeah, I changed so much and I hate it. I'm still trying to figure out what is that? As far as what I want to do, I know what I'm good at. I do it a lot as far as the acting, the bartending, but it's still like I feel like it's not it I want to do, so much.

Speaker 3:

You want to figure out your niche. I went through a part of life to where I was asking God like what? What am I good at Like what is? What's my purpose? I guess, and that's when I realized that I'm so good at human resources.

Speaker 3:

Like I know that sound crazy, but I'm good at it, so I feel like that's part of my purpose. And this acting thing has went so quickly in a year's time that I know it has to be part of my purpose, because God has put me in so many rooms with people, so many opportunities in a year.

Speaker 2:

That's unheard of. I've been watching them say you've been working your ass off. See you do one project, jump off to the next project. I'm like damn, she worked her ass off from stage, plays the movies behind the scenes, doing them things. It has to be that's my purpose.

Speaker 3:

So, and it takes a minute to figure out, because I was like what is my purpose? God?

Speaker 1:

what am I?

Speaker 3:

supposed to be doing, like what am I good at? Because I see, you know you compare yourself to people you don't try to like here. This person over here doing this, that person doing this.

Speaker 1:

What am I supposed to be doing?

Speaker 3:

And the whole time you doing it, so the whole time you're doing it. You just got to get that mind frame. Of this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

Speaker 2:

And I think me my thing would give enough, like I'll start something, I give up, and I think that comes from, like I said, my boyfriend not having support growing up.

Speaker 1:

And you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

So now I just they stuck with me like never having support, you know, and now like I feel like I'm always wishing them now I'm not bad myself because I had my voice, but it just I don't know. Like I said, it's just some stuff. Just stick with you from child.

Speaker 1:

Child's a trauma.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know you'll get a. I'm still doing my thing while figuring out if the same time. So back to you, girl. So we know you are a hardworking woman and we're mini heads. On top of all the jobs, you still have to be a mother. You see your grandmother in a relationship. How do you balance all of it? Good job, because baby.

Speaker 3:

It is a lot.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 3:

And my two.

Speaker 1:

I have two grown kids but they're still my kids Right.

Speaker 3:

And I have the 11 year old and my grandbaby. And it's tough, especially now that I've added on the acting, because even with stage plays I'm constantly rehearsing throughout the week. I'm rehearsing weekends, I'm feeling on the weekends, so it's tough. I rely a lot on them to help me balance. But one thing I will say I'm still in their kitchen because I love to cook and that's my piece, my piece from everything else, my piece from HR acting, the kids, my relationship is the kitchen. I love to cook.

Speaker 3:

So, I'm still cooked. But they help me. My grown daughter. She helps me balance with my 11 year old. My son helps me keep her when he's not doing anything and of course, my girlfriend she helps out tremendously. So they're my balance. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't. They're understanding and that makes the balancing part easier.

Speaker 2:

Amen, amen to that Babe, when I tell you answering the shit out of these questions, oh no, professionally Okay. So how did the acting thing come about? Is this something you always want to do, or is this something you just stepped your foot into and you decided, oh my God, I love this, and it just took off.

Speaker 3:

So shout out to Marion, junior high patriot.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Marion, my drama teacher, miss Steel, my favorite teacher of all time. I was in drama from 7th grade to 12th grade and I did plays. My first play, just Desserts Again shout out to Miss Steel and it stuck with me. At a young age my mom always told me that I was always a little actress and I've always been someone who was not afraid of people. She said kindergarten, I walked in a classroom, went to the back side of the plane and all the kids surrounded me and I was like, okay, mama, bye, you can go. So I always had that mind frame and did it in junior high, high school, loved it, went to the military, started having kids, had my first marriage, your passion, go what? To the wayside, because now you got to do what take care of kids, take care of family.

Speaker 3:

So I stopped and then about a year ago about a year and a half about a year ago now, I started being the model slash brand ambassador for D Carfash and shout out to.

Speaker 3:

Tawanda, d Carfash and West Memphis Kroger Shopping Center. She knew my passion, she knew what I wanted to do because me and her had talked about it, so she tagged me. No, she sent me a message of someone's post Andre Vady, the director of Where's my Ring. She sent me his post saying that he was looking for, he was having a casting call, and I was like, oh, I don't know. So I hit him up, we met. I went to the reading. He talked to everybody. The next day he called me. He was like how much of an, how big of a role do you want?

Speaker 1:

in this production.

Speaker 3:

I said don't matter. I said big or small, I could be an extra. I just want to start you know, so we set a time to meet. I read some of the script and he gave me the lead role to where I was on stage the entire time. That's my first place since junior high, since 1998. You feel me.

Speaker 2:

And that was my first place in junior high as well. Me and my boyfriend my boyfriend have never been to a play, so this is actually first place, and when I tell you that play was everything, we laughed through the entire play and she did her damn thing. Thank you, that was a good as play, thank you.

Speaker 3:

That's where it started. And from there, or previous to that, about a few months before that, I was in a movie. Shout out to Tanisha McKinney Bay County. Baby, it should be coming out 2024. We did that, and then I stopped for a while, and then where's my ring came about. And since where's my ring, it's like it's been opportunity after jazz, it just, and I felt like it happened overnight, where people are calling me, contacting me, and it's been, it's been the best thing ever, and it's just, and it's not stopping.

Speaker 3:

I have so many things that I'm working on, so many things coming up, so 2024 is going to be extremely jam packed.

Speaker 2:

I already have 2024 planned out as far as things that I'm in so far, so it's crazy Look at God, look at God, and of course I see you know I'm saying you do your thing on Facebook with the fans and, like you just say, you brand ambassador. As we see her now dressed up what do you love most about fashion?

Speaker 3:

Everything because I'm me. I've always marched to be my own drum. I've always dressed how I wanted to dress and not tried to dress like what's popping or what's out. I just do me, and I've been that way again since I was a little girl. My mom tells me she was like I've always been this way. So fashion and that's what I honestly thought I was going to do with my life was going to be a fashion designer or someone I like to dress people. I have friends now that are calling me my birthday coming up or I need to what look. Should I do it what? Because they know that it's like oh girl, do ABC, that's what I love it. So everything about fashion, just being able to express myself through fashion, which is also art.

Speaker 2:

It's always been me through my weeks telling me ballhead tomorrow with a wig on at night I said you have the weeds from the fashion of the way to shoes that the outfit on it all be doing it, and I love fashion as well. So let me see how do you go about stepping things that you cannot change?

Speaker 3:

That's hard for me. I'm not a perfectionist, so to speak, but I feel like there's always a way that you can change certain in my head. That what makes it hard because in my head I feel like, well, but I can still change this up until the point where it could give me anxiety no lies, because I feel like where there's a will, there's a way, and I know some things can't be changed, Some things are out of your hand and everything happened for a reason.

Speaker 3:

I know all of that, but still I guess I'm somewhat of control freak over my life and my destiny so I feel like I can always do something to change it. So it's hard for me when I get to that point, but okay, I can't, and that's a hard pill for me to swallow when it comes to anything.

Speaker 2:

What motivates you to keep going when you feel like giving up?

Speaker 3:

My kids, my children, my three my and my grandmother. Yep.

Speaker 2:

You said you did five years in the Navy, right? How was that experience? I had a cousin who was in the Navy as well.

Speaker 3:

I ain't gonna lie, I had a blast and the only reason that I got out was because I was married at the time to my son's father and the war started in Iraq right after 9 11 started. You know, we're at war for two years after 9 11 and I went ahead and got out because they wanted both of us to go overseas and I was like I'm not leaving my kids. At that point I had Jordan and I think Jordan was two towers, maybe one, and they wanted both of us on a boat to go overseas. I'm like nah, so I got out, he stayed in and then we had a divorce anyway.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, I loved it. I'm a Navy brat. My dad did 30 years my little brother's active duty. Right now he just made first class pay off the shout out to my brother. He's stationed in San Diego, my little brother, so it's in me, I'm a Navy family.

Speaker 2:

What do you love most about acting?

Speaker 3:

Being able to be another character, being able to show a different someone that I wouldn't be in real life, someone that I wouldn't, that I would never think to be in real life. Some of these roles I played like who I wouldn't be, and that's what I love about it being able to transform into somebody else. That's like a therapy for me. All right yeah.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever been asked to do something or had to play a role that made you uncomfortable while on set or play?

Speaker 3:

Not yet. But I do know that there's certain roles I won't play for certain directors because I don't feel like it would be worth it for me if that makes sense. But I do know that eventually I'm going to be in a scene where I may be doing. A to Z and it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And I'm an actress. So guess what I do with it. I'm going to push through.

Speaker 1:

Period. I'm going to push through and make it happen and make it look real as possible.

Speaker 2:

Do you hear me, do you?

Speaker 3:

hear me honey.

Speaker 2:

You make me want to start back doing my acting you should. Baby, I started, I stopped, I go, I stop and now I start this high.

Speaker 3:

I can't. You're going to have time. You don't want to talk?

Speaker 2:

Girl, I have time. We're going to make time.

Speaker 3:

We should do skits That'd be so cute Of course that I'd be down for honey.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so do we have a favorite actor or would like to work without Favorite producer or movie director?

Speaker 3:

My favorite actress. I have two. Teraji and Kari Washington are my favorite two actresses. My favorite actor is probably Denzel and of course I wanna work with Tyler Perry, of course.

Speaker 2:

I wanna work with Tyler Perry Since day one.

Speaker 3:

As far as I wanna do a, I wanna do something with, of course, oprah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Because I feel like that's the dream.

Speaker 2:

Yes, man, all the best, the black dream, yes man, tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey, that's the African.

Speaker 3:

American dream.

Speaker 2:

Hell, yeah, yeah, those two. So let me see, let's get into some more things, let's go, let me see, hold up. What do you see yourself? What do you see yourself acting? Career in five years.

Speaker 3:

Five years. Hopefully we won't be living in Arkansas to the scene anymore in five years.

Speaker 2:

I know I won't.

Speaker 3:

Because I love the area of it. I love the opportunities that Mrs has given me and will continue to give me, but I want to act in other places as well. So, hopefully, move to another state and being on a major network In a series or a movie that hits a big screen Not only do I want that, I know what's gonna happen.

Speaker 2:

Right, of course, speak that, speak into it. It's gonna happen, because I feel it yes man.

Speaker 3:

I feel it in my spirit Because things are happening so quickly for me. I feel it in my spirit. So yeah, I wanna be on a major network in a series. That's what I really wanna do.

Speaker 2:

Yes, man. Okay, let's say, a day came where you had to be at work but also had to be on set of a film Film the same day and time. Which job are you choosing and why?

Speaker 3:

So this is the thing here right Shout out to my job because I work from home and from office, so I work hybrid.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And being that I'm a manager, I can kinda pick and choose, so I don't think that there ever be a time that I would have to be like that. I gotta be on set because I'm a choose set, because as long as I got that laptop with me Right. I can log in and do what you need me to do. Okay, so I'm gonna choose that set.

Speaker 2:

Period Like we getting on through these things and it's getting through all, most of them.

Speaker 3:

I know we doing good.

Speaker 2:

I know Okay, so let's get into some little person.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Let me see when was I. So when you started dating women, was there hearts? Was there heart explaining to your children?

Speaker 3:

No, that was baby. So literally I was the Navy, me and my ex husband had separated. Before it was my son's father and after him I immediately jump into a relationship with a woman. Not immediately, that sounds bad, but like I started going out to the gate clubs because I had a female friend of mine Seals, we can buy last night's military. She oh, but yeah, yeah. So I went to the gate close with her and started coming more into myself, ended up in a relationship with the woman that was like 14 years older than me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And my kids were, like I said, with me and him, separated. They were one and two, Jordan was two, ty was one. So them see me with a woman wasn't really anything that was newer or different to them. And then they were in that lifestyle with me because that's what all I was in the military in Virginia. Even when I got out of the military I stayed in Virginia, meaning I wasn't around any of my family, my biological family, that's. When I told her I joined the house. I had a gay family, so that's all they saw was you know.

Speaker 3:

So, of course, they knew man, woman, but they also knew what their mother was. They want to shame of it, right? So it's never been a time where I had to explain it to them, and even with Kendall, like I moved back down here in 2011. And I thought I was hiding from my family because I had been up north for so long, so they didn't see it, it went in their face and every time they would come to visit me and my ex, we had a three bedroom house, so the guest room would be my bedroom, so they would think we were sleeping apart. But Jordan knew it the whole time.

Speaker 2:

So it wasn't a big thing for your family.

Speaker 3:

No, because they, my mom, like I was waiting for you to say it because, like I said, they weren't stupid Right.

Speaker 2:

Because parents are always turning out Right and I have such an open father.

Speaker 3:

My dad is so open to where. I've never hidden anything from my dad. He's always been a person. I could tell anything to my mama. She had me scared. But my dad, I could tell my dad anything. So, no, I thankfully, thank God I didn't go through that process of my family not approving of my lifestyle Because they know Tim going to be Tim. I've always been me Right, and that's one thing. In my family my mom, my cousin, said they admire about me that I'm going to be me because I was like who like it and who don't like it. But that's how it's raised.

Speaker 3:

My mom raised me that way, to be strong, like that. So, yeah, like with the baby girl, she, she knows what it is and what it ain't, but she is in there. It's 2023.

Speaker 2:

These kids know more than we know Martin's here and I asked that. I answered it. You don't say something. It's because I see a lot of people on my face, on my face time for our friends that don't agree. You know what I'm saying with telling your kids, talking to your kids, explaining to your kids. But you know what I'm saying. Everybody has so much to say about this lifestyle when it comes to kids. You know so and I'm going through my own experience with you. Know my boyfriend, he has a child as well. So it's just as I ask people. I just want to get you know I'm saying different opinions.

Speaker 3:

I feel like if we don't, the world is of course we don't? They're going to go to school.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Some other kid or somebody. Parents are talking for their kids, or you know such and such mama.

Speaker 2:

She like women or her daddy, like you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

So, if we don't talk to them, the world's going to talk to them. So one thing about my children, especially my grown ones, and I have a lot of people that don't agree with my parenting style. I'm a very open person, I'm an open parent, I'm very open with my children and I'm open with my children because that gives them the opportunity to always be open with me.

Speaker 3:

My kids know they don't have to hide anything from me. They can tell me anything, we can talk about anything and they do just that. It was stuff I don't like. Girl, come on Too much, Right. But I love that about them because I know they're not going to go to someone else and get the wrong thing. They're going to always come to me about it. So I'm very real. I'm a realistic ass parent.

Speaker 2:

And that's good. That's good. You know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. Your child should be a certain age before you tell them certain things.

Speaker 3:

Honestly, I don't even I've seen. I have an aunt as a teacher and some of the things I'm kids talk about in first and second grade I feel like there's. If your child is at the point, they understand. Talk to them.

Speaker 2:

Right and the way the word is now if you don't, somebody else going to talk to them about it. It's going to be on social media, or cartoon or something, or text on the phone or text.

Speaker 3:

Okay, right, we're going to find this somewhere. Right, you're going to get the being in cartoons as much as it is now, but again that's putting it in your kid's face. So if you don't talk to them, they're going to get the wrong understanding about it All right, do you hear me?

Speaker 2:

Do you have any regrets?

Speaker 3:

Sometimes I wish I would have stayed in the military longer, but then again I'm like nah, because then I wouldn't have been me. Not really, because I'm not ashamed of anything. I've done Everything that I've done was done for a reason and it was supposed to happen how it happened. For that reason.

Speaker 2:

All right. So if you can go back and change one thing in your past, you want to change anything? And if you will, why would you change it?

Speaker 3:

I honestly don't think so, because I'm again. I want those people who I don't. Everything that has happened happened for a reason, happened the way it was supposed to happen. So I don't want I'm not one to want to rewrite history, even the bad stuff. If the bad stuff wouldn't have happened, it wouldn't have made me who I am today. It wouldn't have given me the strength that I have today to overcome some of the battles that I may have today. You know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

No, not really.

Speaker 2:

Do you think I'll be in cheat? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

No, I'm saying no, no, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'll be in some and I didn't used to. I didn't used to.

Speaker 3:

I do. I feel like. I feel like all men either cheaters or thought about cheaters. They can't anymore. When I say can't anymore because they don't say I'm letting out old, you know what I'm saying? Some stupid shit like that, Right. I feel like if given the opportunity, they will. It may not be something that they set out to do, but if given the opportunity I think they will. Yeah, but women too, I would say. What about women, Hell?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah. You think people can be with just one person? I know it can be done For the rest of their life Forever. You think, you think you think super people can be married forever. You know what I'm saying, and not cheat, not do anything.

Speaker 3:

I feel like the only way that can happen is if they both they both have very open mindsets.

Speaker 3:

And when I say open mindsets, I mean they both know that if it's getting dry, let's spice it up. Whether it be a threesome, whether it be well, they have the case, as long as they're open and honest. I believe so. But you're going to have to keep it spicy and keep it open and honest and know okay, baby, I'm getting bored, we got to do something. Baby, you know what I'm saying and I believe in that type of openness in a relationship.

Speaker 3:

We were just talking about that earlier. Just be open and honest to the point where, if something is going wrong, let's figure out a fix so that we can make it last. So who's saying this? Is it this forever? We got to make sure that we're open and honest to where, if somebody wants something or wants to change something, we got to be open and honest enough to at least entertain the thought to keep us going. You know what I'm saying. So I believe it's possible, but you just have to have the type of openness and honesty and that motherfucker, because if you don't, yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I do not know when it comes to forever.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I used to have hope. You know what I'm saying? I just for one. Now I just believe all men cheat and I just don't see, like I don't say for me Spence, but just what. Certain people like I have a family. I have a great aunt and a great uncle. Well, they married. They don't cheat but they're married. They've been married forever. But they stay in the same home. They just sleep different sleeping different.

Speaker 2:

I feel like if it gets to that point like you know what I'm saying, we got to sleep in different and we're not having sex, or it's over with. Yeah, like.

Speaker 3:

But they, they're content yeah.

Speaker 2:

They go when they want something like a family event. They've come together, you know, but you never see.

Speaker 3:

I don't want content, I won't. I want us to be, in our sentence, still spicy, that's why the light, the candle still lit? But that that's gonna take but it's both.

Speaker 2:

People have to be like yeah, I'm gonna say one person came back and that's gonna be.

Speaker 1:

No, both of y'all gotta have that mindset both of y'all, don't.

Speaker 3:

It ain't gonna work. It's not gonna work Because that's just being content and I don't want to be content. I want to be, and I know you're not gonna be happy all the time. That's not real.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, cuz it mean being perfect, ain't nobody.

Speaker 3:

But I don't want to be just content either. Now I want to want you, even on days. I don't want you, I still want you.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm saying yeah, and half a time. Maybe. The the business, the money that keeps people tied up, the stuff they got together they don't marriage a contract Do you hear me business?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sure you don't like to hear that, but it is it is yeah, he is yeah, I don't. I just don't want to be content, I want to be like I said, even if I'm mad at you. I want. I would still know that I love you and want you, mad or not.

Speaker 2:

What's something about yourself? You feel like you feel needs a little work.

Speaker 3:

Um, and I've been working on it. I'm too nice. I'm too nice, and it's gotten so much better since I turned 40. Um, I used to be a yes girl. You too god, and that's so draining until you don't have to feel me.

Speaker 3:

And I'm not anymore. I'm not anymore, um, I'm not where I want to be, but I'm not where I was either, like I'm not, um. So yeah, that's one thing that I want to continue to work on being a yes girl, knowing how to say no, and not because I'll put myself, I'll hurt myself, to make sure everybody else around me is happy.

Speaker 2:

My boyfriend, that's him. I hate it. And me, this, I was me. Oh my god. Yes, loving sweetheart, can't, even we don't want to do it, it can be something simple as can you come take, can you come do?

Speaker 3:

And I've been breaking my neck. Yeah, okay, yeah, okay, let me, let me figure this out. Let me, nah, not anymore. Yeah, I can't do it. Why? Because I can't right, and stop explaining myself to people exactly. I have to learn that, whether it's my job, whether it's whoever it is, Right if I say no, that's that I don't. I don't need to give you an explanation, because I said so and that's what I'm working on.

Speaker 2:

Period. Well, honey, this I'm not here to work up behind this. Oh, I didn't work on it and got out now, in terms of mean girl, I'm so mean, I'm mean now. But uh, yeah, digit, like you said this, it fuck me up. You know, I'm saying just being nice, being kind of hearty, getting walked over, always there for everybody, nobody's, it's draining, it's it's raining.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, I think who you are, then who left for you?

Speaker 2:

Right? Who's left for you? Who won't take care?

Speaker 3:

of you so.

Speaker 1:

I guess I self care.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm learning, I'm getting better. I used to be terrible baby.

Speaker 2:

Well, you guys, we have come to the end of this interview. I have enjoyed this interview and the time has rolled. It's almost an hour in. Is it really? Yeah, 54, 54 years, oh, wow, yes man we are they were.

Speaker 2:

I say, honey, once the camera star, honey, we get to talking. For you know We've been an hour hour, but I have enjoyed this video. This has been a great interview and my girl has answered every question professionally, did look like a boss, act like a boss, talk like a boss. So, girl, do you have anything that you want to let the people know what you have working on?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, make sure y'all follow me on social media. Yes ma'am on facebook is taryn ma'apollard.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna put your face looking stuff up.

Speaker 3:

It's collard girl on tiktok is taryn ma'apollard. Um upcoming. I have the blind man stage play that's coming on january 19th, twos and 21st. You can get the link, um, and my cash out on my facebook and instagram pages. I'm also working on two, two web series right now stupid love, written and directed by tony o'harris, and I'm also in control, written and directed by westie minds, with platinum films. Also, make sure you go to my social media facebook page and click on that platinum films link and in the referred box with taryn ma'apollard. The app is free. Y'all go down there the app. I'm trying to get 200 people I think I'm like six, just platinum films. Go on my page, click the link, put my name in it. Um, and oh, miss scrooge, work is in a couple of weeks. I'm on the production team for that. Make sure you guys check it out again. That's on my page and also, where's my ring is coming back to you the beginning of 2024?.

Speaker 1:

So if you missed it, last year.

Speaker 3:

Make sure y'all come out of season stage play that you do not want to miss, written and directed by Bishop andre bayt. Great play, great play, and I think that's it. I mean, just everything is on my social media. I'm updating every day, I'm following you. Again it's coming. We just wrapped them. How to be 30 with amp production? Shout out to amp. Um, yeah, y'all. Just check my social media out and Everything is up there.

Speaker 2:

Here we y'all. Make sure y'all go support my girl. I will put her information on facebook. Everything will be in the video so you guys can go to subscribe, share. Like you know, I'm saying keep up with my girl. Also, girl, if you look behind your chair, I have your gift, I have some bags for you and also you guys, like I said, this is the end, yeah. I have. You got two of them, because one I can put all this stuff in one bag.

Speaker 2:

So, I know, girl, I don't I just you know what you say. But you guys make sure you guys subscribe to my youtube channel. If you want to watch the video for them, it only will be on youtube. Of course, you can listen to my podcast on every podcast platform it's on Spotify, it's on apple music, amazon music, everywhere. You listen to podcasts everywhere, so make sure you guys tune in. Like I said, like share, comment and thanks for watching. Yeah, until next time, you guys. Love and peace.

Cocktails, Games, and Personal Stories
Risqué Drinking Game
Self-Care, Occupations, and Balancing Life
Acting, Future Plans, and Parenting Openness
Openness and Honesty in Relationships